An Italian Adventure...
Welcome to Casa Gina, a charming apartment on the second floor of Palazzo Lamponi which dates back to 1752. This lovely brick building is located on 32 Corso Matteotti, the main street, of the hilltop town of Santa Vittoria in Mateno in Le Marche, Italy. When you arrive in the old town after passing through the gate of San Salvador and the landmark bell tower Torre dell Albate Odorisio, you feel like being in the Middle Ages. Along the main street you will find medieval buildings like Palazzo Monti (16th century), the graceful Palazzo Melis (15th century) and Palazzo Della Torre (15 th century) and more recent buildings as Albergo e Ristorante Farfense and the completely rebuilt Saint Agostini church (13th century), right across from Casa Gina.
As you enter through the large wood doors of Palazzo Lamponi walk up the stone beige floors up the two flights of stairs to reach our front door with a red heart.
Santa Vittoria in Matenano.